are the only creatures other than mankind known to recognize pattern and construct
an optical illusion. The male bower bird
constructs a bower or staging platform to attract and win a mate.
species create a pavilion, aligned north-south so that is well lit from the
east. Some
are maypole like constructions with/without roofs. Other species create two walls of carefully
placed vertical sticks forming a passage to strut (picture Right Said Fred).
The site is
a structure to display carefully selected offerings curated and arranged
individually and uniquely between species and individual birds. The
stages, exact and precise, are beyond function. The decorations are not a
random sample of available accoutrements. The offerings include leaves, bark,
fruit, seeds, flowers, beetle and butterfly wings, often color-coordinated or
grouped as a thoughtful collection. The
designer may also choose to paint or stain the displays using a sponge created
from bark or plant fiber, and using crushed berries or charcoal.
are refreshed daily to enhance the arrangement or replace an item that has lost
its vibrancy. The male birds are committed to their own aesthetic and
placements are very specific. Any attempt by others to upstage the layout will
be corrected in keeping with the designer’s vision.
The offerings include leaves bark fruit seeds
flowers beetle and butterfly wings, (and dinosaurs) often color-coordinated or grouped as a thoughtful
The bower bird’s architectural
exhibition hits almost all 10 tenets
of good design.Decorations are not a random
sample of available objects:different
populations and individuals select on the
basis of different
Industrial designer Dieter Rams’ 10 tenets of good
- It’s Innovative
Makes a Product Useful
It’s Aesthetic
Makes A Product Understandable
Is Unobtrusive
Is Honest
Is Long-lasting
Is Thorough Down to the Last Detail
Is Environmentally Friendly
Is as Little Design as Possible
Borromini's Palazzo Spada / Bower Bird Strada |
The key to mating success for the bowerbird lies in the
quality of the optical illusion, or forced perspective, created by the way
objects are placed in the court area of the bower. They do so by arranging the
objects covering the floor of the court in a particular way, so that they
increase in size as the distance from the bower increases. This positive
size-distance gradient creates a forced perspective which results in false
perceptions of the geometry of the bower, which is visible only to the female
when she is standing in the avenue. From her point of view, all of the objects
in the court appear to be the same size. Consequently, she may perceive the
court as being smaller than it actually is, and the male to be bigger.
"While some features produced by evolution
seem to be useful and adaptive, others appear to clearly exhibit an evolution
of incomparable beauty, a world of life forms far more spectacular than
function alone can easily explain."*